Saturday 14 February 2009

.::TaggeD 3::.

TAGGED by Yayang Iela


What have you been doing recently?
update blog

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
dulu selalu lah...hehe

What happened at 10am today?
fokus pada kerja sekarang

When did you last cry?
tahun 2008 time En.raub nak p penang huhuhu ;-)

Believe in fate/destiny?

What do you want in your life now?
Hopefully apa yang di harapkan tercapai..Insyaallah..

Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
betol tue pakai payung lah...hehehe

What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
Tido time perlu je...

What bottoms are you wearing now?

Whats the nicest things in your inbox?
Mesej En.Raub ;p

Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
hermm. bese da...heheh

Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
haha.. yess! money..hahaha

What was the last movie you caught?
Brain Scan kot...

What are you proud of?
my mother, i'm proud of u mom.. :)

What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
Janji n terus berjanji akan tunggu si dia...

What was the last song you sang out loud?
Alyah by Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang

Do you have any nicknames?
Yantie or Kakak

What does the newest text say?
"En.raub bilang mahu cakap dengan saya sekejap..hehe"

What time did you go to bed last night?
10:30 pm

Are you currently happy?
yes, alhamdulillah :)

Who gives you the best advise?
family, En.raub, Yayang Iela, akak saya dari UKM..ngeh3..

Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
make kot..hehe

Who did you talk on the phone last night?
En.Raub malam tadi kol 3kali..hehehe

Is something bugging you know
ntah ler...

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
My Family, En.Raub and Yayang Iela time teringat kwn bernama Nehi...hahaha

Nak Tagged sape ye...

~Sis Tiqah~
~Sis Shada~

Sunday 1 February 2009

On Saturday Wit Baby Qaisara...

Nama di beri Nur Qaisara Akila Bt Saairul Azahar...
Lahir Pada 20 Januari 2009...
Herm nasib x sama dengan umie...
Umie 20 Oktober 1987...
heheheh...Tapi persamaan kami adalah anak sulung...

~Take time to take my Pic~
hehehe ondway ke rumah Baby Qaisara....
Candid skit...pakai shawl yg sis mieja belikan tue...
Thanks Sis..Luv u..

~hah ni lah baby nye~

terasa nak ade beby sendri lah...
lagi2 yang chubby n chomey2 tue...
puas dapat peluk n pegang nye...

k la nak lik...
pape comment k...
Cau dlu...

.::TaggeD 2::.

Tag kali ini di terima dari Sis @tiqahadNaN...Anyway thanks sis sudi tag umie...we'all just choose pict at Google....


Da rules is simple je...Just use Google Image to search the answers . and then u must choose the pic in the 1st page...and post it as your answer. After that TAG 6 people...

i'm "Pecinta Setia"

~Setia ke...? hehehe
Alhamdulillah setia pada Tuhan, Keluarga, En.Raub..
Bangsa and Negara jugak tau...hihi~

I nak sangat Pegi satu hari nant...

My Peberet Place...Air Tejun Chamang, Pahang...

My Peberet Thing is...BUKBUK...

~adiah dari En.Raub~

My Peberet Drink...TEA ICE

My Peberet Food...Laksa Penang OOO...

My Peberet Color...PINK

~tiba2 sekarang i like PINK...hihi~

I live in Bangi, Selangor...

I was Born Hosp Kuala Lumpur...

My School/College

Sekolah Kebangsaan Rinching Hilir, Bangi

~no Logo..~

Sekolah Menengah Engku Husain, Semenyih

Selangor International Islamic University College

My Peberet Story...Raja Lawak.. ;-)

My Hobbies...reading, cooking and singing...

I wish...dis year hopefully umie tunang...

~hehehe agak gatal sedikit ye...~

Fuuhh...setel gak Tagged kali nie...dari sis tiqah...
pasni nak dera orang plak lah...
Nak TAG....

~Yayang Iela~

~Sis Shada~

~Sis Mieja~

~Sis Yanie~


~Ct Fatahya~

GooD Luck...u'll...